Is Remote Working Right For You?

Remote Working: Pros And Cons

The impact of COVID-19 has represented the most drastic and rapid shift to the global workforce we have seen since the World Wars. In such a short span of time, America’s social distancing practices and rapid economic shutdown had pushed the herds of workforce out of the office and into the home. Although, Covid-19 broke out some years ago, the corporate industry is still recovering from its recessionary effects.

Remote work can enable many employees to have a work-life balance which might lead to job satisfaction and higher productivity. However, remote work also comes with potential risks and challenges. As many advantages it might offer to employees and the employer, it also has its downsides. For instance, it can be hard for business owners to develop a work culture that is accepting and supportive of remote work. It can be hard to get efficient results in the beginning as employees may not work as productively at home. Working at home can cause more distractions than at the  workplace.

Further, it can be hard to keep progress with the work that the employees are doing. Thus causing managerial issues.  There are situations where every employee has to be on the same page. For example, when a new company policy is being introduced. In this case, remote working may cause problems of getting the required attention of the other employees. 

Although remote work to traditional companies may sound too big of a change to adapt, it can also offer numerous benefits, especially for start-ups who are looking to minimize costs on workplace equipment, electricity bills, and if they opt for outsourcing their operational processes, they can also reduce employee training costs.

Benefits of remote working

Work-life Balance

This is almost understood: remote workers can save time and money on commuting, which in turn gives employees more time to engage with their friends and family, and also more flexibility and control over their schedule.

Increased productivity

Employee job satisfaction is directly proportional to their work productivity. Thus, when they have more time to engage with their friends and family, they will work more productively and satisfactorily.

Stress Relief

Commuting and sitting in the same place for hours can cause quite a lot of stress. Remote workers can enable employees to take a walk and talk with their family members when they may be feeling over stressed. This way they can also avoid getting involved in office politics. Further, they also have the freedom to work in their favorite comfortable clothes.

Helps Employer Cut Costs

Employers who allow their employees to work remotely can cut down on electricity, office equipment and utilities costs.

Challenges of remote working

Reduced Social Interaction

Although some might prefer it, reduced social interaction may cause employees to feel left out of the job’s culture and events which can make them feel unimportant to the company.

Connectivity Issues in Communication

Business owners should not expect that their every employee might have the best internet connection. This can lead to connectivity issues during an important client meeting, which can put a bad impression on the company’s name.

Cybersecurity Threats

Since workers might be using their own equipment when working remotely, their devices may contain malware that can be detrimental to the company’s data. Business owners should ensure that their workers have anti-malware installed in their devices or provide them with work equipment to avoid hacking attempts.


Workers might procrastinate or stall projects which can lead to deadline delays and unsatisfied clients. Business owners or managers should keep checking on their employees regularly to ensure a smooth workflow.

To wrap it up, working remotely can open up new possibilities which include a work-life balance, increased productivity but can also lead to a sense of loneliness and burnout as sometimes employees would not know when to stop working since they will not leave their workplace. Thus, the role of managers is of paramount importance when it comes to implementing a remote working strategy. For instance, managers can communicate frequently with their subordinates and monitor their track record to ensure a smooth workflow. Business owners should also get expert advice from outsourcing professionals who are experienced in this area of expertise before implementing a remote working strategy.

Expertise Accelerated: Your Gateway to Highly-Skilled Remote Resources

Business owners can also rely on outsourcing and significantly cut down employee training costs if they choose to outsource all their operational processes. This can help them focus on business development and strategic planning for their company’s growth.

Amid the surging inflation, Expertise Accelerated can be your partner in hiring highly skilled professional resources. EA can be your gateway to the resources who can manage accounting services from inventory management to payroll processing.

EA CEO Haroon Jafree feels the plight of the US recession and is dedicated to providing business owners in the US the opportunity to have access to highly skilled offshore resources all at a fraction of the US costs. In turn, business owners can focus on key areas that can help their company gain a competitive foothold in the corporate world.